Once formerly ithebigc's Blog for Sakura translations, this has become Translate48, a blog that intends to aggregate all translation related work related to the 48 and 46 Groups to become a one stop source if you need your idol posts in English. If you translate anything, please consider contributing here to reach a wider audience!

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Miyawaki Sakura's Speech During Her 2017 Seitansai

First off, thank you very much to the people who actually came to the theater today, the people watching in the lobby and the people watching on DMM.

Even though I'm just a normal person who isn't anything special, to be so loved and supported, I am a very fortunate individual.

I think you may all know from SakuMail or other places, but I habitually have no self-confidence so I'm really a negative person. I knew that this would cause trouble for everyone, but I said that I wanted to aim for 2nd place in this year's sousenkyo even though I myself don't have the confidence that I can do it.

By some chance, maybe I'll actually drop in ranking, and even though I feel I need to work extra hard to make up for the space left empty by the members who are not participating, no matter what I can't seem to gather the courage.

At those times, having fans that remind me to live with a smile, I really receive the drive from you all.

I decided that this year I would work hard on behalf of HKT. I want us to appear separately from AKB, no matter what. Recently, we've had nothing but disappointments, so I want us all to be able laugh together as HKT, to have a memory together that we can all call the best.

It might be impossible, but... wait, I can't say that. Right, I'm not going to say that word *audience laughs*

I really do want to give my best, so I'm aiming for 2nd place in the sousenkyo (at this point, Sakura's voice has become small probably due to uncertainty in herself or realizing what she's asking of her fans).

Besides that, I earnestly want lots of HKT members to rank in and be the group with the most ranked members, so everyone please lend us your support.

Um, also, I absolutely won't betray your trust so you can oshi me without worrying *audience laughs*

そして、卒業もまだ決めてないというか、頭には浮かんでいないので、これからもまだまだ皆さんはヲタ卒できないと思いますが(客笑) よろしくお願いします。
Furthermore, I haven't decided to graduate and the idea hasn't even entered my mind yet, so you all can't graduate from being a wota either *audience laughs* Please keep giving me your support.

That's all. Thank you very much. *audience applauds*

Source: http://akb48.blog48.fc2.com/blog-entry-24209.html

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